Lantra Ground Based and Aerial Refresher Courses
AFAG 805 – Update or refresher training
In general, proficient tree workers who regularly practice their skills in the presence of colleagues and employers will require training less often. However, advances in technology may justify specific update training, and certain trained skills such as first aid and aerial rescue will need specific, regular practice and updating.
There is a risk that when tree workers spend time on other tasks, their proficiency can lapse. This, along with the introduction of new techniques, brings with it a need for refresher and update training at various stages in the tree worker’s career. This occasional further training should add value to the tree worker’s growing skills and experience and provide a structure for staff development.
For chainsaws, INDG317 Chainsaws at work recommends that refresher/ update training takes place every three to five years. This can often be incorporated as part of training for more advanced skills. It is important to record and plan for refresher/update training and the employer must record the structure of the training received by the tree worker based on the type of work undertaken. 35 For most machinery operations, including chainsaw and aerial tree work, AFAG recommends that recorded refresher/update training should take place at least every five years. However, where a supervisor identifies specific weaknesses in an operator’s abilities, this will need to be addressed, irrespective of the date of previous training.
We offer the following Ground Based Lantra Refresher courses
+F Refresher is recognised and accepted by FISA, the Forest Industry Safety Accord.
Lantra Chainsaw Maint, Cross Cutting – (formerly CS30)
Lantra Felling & Processing Trees up to 380mm Refresher (Formerly CS31)
Lantra Chainsaw Maint, Cross Cutting and felling of Small Trees up to 380mm Refresher (formerly CS30/31)
Lantra Chainsaw Maintenance, Cross Cutting & Basic Felling Refresher
Lantra Felling and Processing of Trees over 380mm Refresher (Formerly CS32)
Lantra Sever uprooted or windblown trees using a chainsaw (CS34/CS35)
Lantra Safe use of Polepruner
Lantra Safe use of Brushcutter
Lantra Safe use of Woodchipper .
We offer the following Aerial Lantra Refresher courses:
Lantra Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescue Operations (Formerly CS38)
- Rescue update (TG1 2020)
Lantra Use of Chainsaw from Rope and Harness Refresher (Formerly CS39)
Lantra Aerial Tree Pruning – (formerly CS40)
Lantra Aerial Tree Rigging Refresher – (formerly CS41)
LOLER Refresher
Utility Arboriculture
Lantra Utility Arb – Basic electrical knowledge
Lantra Utility Arb – Ground Based Felling
Lantra Utility Arb – Aerial Tree Pruning
If you are interested in attending a Lantra Refresher course or would like to book a full course for your company – Please call the office 01732 811 162 or email: for further information on prices and dates. We only run these courses as & when they are required.
10% discount is available if a client provides the maximum number of trainees for the course.